The DIC has different displays which can be accessed by using the DIC buttons on the turn signal lever on the left side of the steering wheel. The DIC displays trip, fuel, and warning messages if a system problem is detected. See Trip Computer and Vehicle Messages.
DIC Buttons
1. SET/CLR: Press to set or clear the menu item displayed. This is not used to reset the trip odometer. To reset the trip odometer, use the reset button on the tachometer in the instrument cluster.
2. (Band): Turn the band to scroll
through the menu items.
3. MENU: Press to display the DIC menus. This button is also used to return to or exit the last screen displayed on the DIC.
Skoda Fabia. Rear window
Make sure that the mirror is not covered by ice, snow,
condensation or
other objects.
Convex (curved outward) or aspheric exterior mirrors increase
the field of
vision. They do ...
Seat Ibiza. Windscreen
Athermic windscreen
Fig. 69 Location of the electronic pricing device
Vehicles with an athermic windscreen have an area without athermal treatment
above the rear-view mirror ⇒ fig. 69. Thi ...
Peugeot 208. Sport and snow programmes
These two special programmes supplement the automatic operation in very specific
conditions of use.
Sport programme "S"
Press button "S", after starting the engine.
The gearbo ...