The hazard warning lights should always be used when you stop on or near a roadway in an emergency.
The hazard warning lights warn other drivers that your vehicle is a traffi c hazard and that they must take extreme caution when near it.
Depress the hazard warning fl asher and all the direction indicators will fl ash. The hazard warning indicator lights in the instrument cluster fl ash simultaneously.
Peugeot 208. Daytime running lamps
Daytime lighting, compulsory in certain countries, which comes on automatically
when the engine is started making the vehicle more visible to other users.
This function is assured:
- in countries ...
Nissan Micra. Exterior rear
Replacing bulbs
Rear wiper and washer switch
Rear window defroster switch
Rear hatch opener
Rearview monitor (if so equipped)
Fuel-filler door
Fuel-filler cap
Fuel recommen ...
Seat Ibiza. Cruise control system (CCS)
The cruise control system is able to maintain the set speed in the range from
approx. 30 km/h to 180 km/h. Once the speed setting has been saved, you may take
your foot off the accele ...